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Bear Mountain Condo Remodel

Whole House Remodel in Boulder, CO

Bear Mountain Condo - Bath Rendering

Renderings by Others

Bear Mountain Condo - Kitchen Rendering

Rendering by Others

Design Team

Architecture Designer: Jeremy Smith* 

Interior Designer: Renee Urbanowicz*

*while at Melton Design Build



Melton Design Build



Int. Renderings by Alexandra Betters

Drawings and Visualizations by Jeremy Smith

Design Narrative

This project was a Whole House Remodel of a Condo in Boulder, Colorado.  Although the project had a straight-forward program, the challenge came with trying to incorporate the various use spaces while also allowing for an open-feel. 


The Lower Level comprised Utility Spaces such as Mechanical Room and Laundry while also providing a secondary living space.  The Main Level was opened up in order to provide natural light and incorporated the structural beams as a way to divide the three open spaces (Living, Dining, Kitchen).  The Upper Level became an exercise of spatial efficiency; how do you fit in two semi-equal Master Suites while also maintaining their own character?


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